You talking to me?

Jul 7, 2019    Philippians 4:8; James 3:-5: Proverbs 23:7

Our thoughts and words have the potential for good and bad, victory and defeat, good days and bad days. You choose!


1. Read Philippians 4:8. What advice does Paul give in this passage? In hard times, what would it look like to set your mind on things above? Is it possible to be in control of our thoughts?

2. Read Philippians 4:8. How does what we think on, affect the conversations we have with ourselves and others?

3. Think about a time when you have been in a bad mood. What put you in that state? What ultimately lifted you out of it?

4. Read James 3:-5 & Proverbs 18:21. What key point is James driving home through his multiple illustrations? Do you believe you can actually change the way you feel by changing the words you speak? If so, give an example.

5. Do you believe that the thoughts we think, and the words we speak can become self-fulfilling prophecies? Why or Why Not?